Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July at Home and Abroad

Yet another picture of the Chinese getting my husband all liquored up.  I've had pictures of Bill drinking in my inbox every morning since he started this trip.  He told me that when someone says "cheers" they have to down their little glasses.  It sounds like the Chinese equivalent of "Hi Bob!"   Tomorrow is the Great Wall and then on to Australia.  Probably the only difference in the photos will be the change over from Tsingtao to Fosters.
 Meanwhile, I had one of my bookish nights - meeting up with some friends from the Boston Goodreads group.  I missed the last night out (despite being the one to organize it!) because Bill and I were on our house-hunting trip.  So I was glad to get some of the girls together again before I go.
 This morning is the 4th of July.  Not my favorite holiday although I like the fact that the day is starting out cool and rainy in Newburyport.  I don't like it because
  1. it's one of those holidays that everyone asks what you are doing to celebrate so there is pressure to do something and all I want to do is nothing 
  2. its almost always hot and sticky and 
  3. it celebrates history's biggest blunder - our separation from the Queen!  What were we thinking??

I decided to spend the morning having "Breakfast at Wimbledon" and made a fast pit stop last night to get strawberries in preparation.  I don't have cream but I do have a crumpet!  (I mean an actual crumpet - not my friend formerly known as Noelle)

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