Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day Weekend

This weekend turned out to be spent almost entirely inside #11.  
It was super duper cold.  In fact, there were warnings from multiple news outlets that the temps with wind chill were "life threatening."  Is it worth it to risk my life going outside?  No, it is not.
So this was how we spent Saturday night.  Fire, food, book.
Look at that roaring fire!!  Good job, Bill.
Sunday was Valentine's Day.  We had plans to go to brunch and then to see Pippin with Diane in Boston.  I took a shower and then Bill went up to his bathroom to get ready.
And there was no water.
The pipes up to the third floor were frozen.
Have you ever had frozen pipes?  In all the years living in this old house made essentially of spit and tissue paper we surprisingly haven't had to deal with this before.  But it did mean that we were not going to make it to Boston.
After reading many websites and trying to blow dry pipes in a closet we finally decided to crank the heat, open the taps and wait.  Around 5pm they finally opened up.  We've left them tickling ever since to make sure they keep flowing until this cold snap lifts.
I was so excited to see this!
And since we had to stay home for the day, we decided to clean out the third floor closet.  I can't believe I didn't take a "before" picture but here it is after.  I can assure you, the look is very different!!
Diane was able to see Pippin with some other friends, we have a clean closet, and today it's supposed to be 50 degrees so all's well that ends well.

1 comment:

didi said...

This blog makes me have to pee