Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fish Stew

An added benefit of our Blue Apron dinner delivery service is that it gives us blog material in times of desperation.  My favorite thing about it,really, is that Bill and I now cook together twice a week.  We have determined that these meals are a lot easier with two people prepping rather than one...although in our house I guess it's three people because the gnome is always trying to help.
Tuesday night's meal was a tomato based fish stew with garlic bread.  The prep was pretty straight forward and the most difficult piece was trying to time toasting the bread with cooking the fish. (Gnome kept saying, "you're doing it wrong!")  Look at these three happy chefs!
Unfortunately we weren't three happy eaters....the fish stew was just too spicy hot.  I liked the taste but my mouth was on fire for rest of the night.  That packet of Old Bay Seasoning was super potent.  Sorry we don't have a picture of my fiery red face after a few spoonfuls.   Tonight we cook a pork roast and I will be using any accompanying spice packet judiciously.

1 comment:

didi said...

too bad it was so spicy, at least it looks good!