Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Pal Randy

I decided to surprise my buddy Randy by coming to Haley's last basketball game.  She's a sophmore at Wentworth and starts for the women's team.
I found Maureen and Randy parents easily.  When I asked where Randy was they pointed down near the court.  He was sitting by himself.  Maureen said they banish him down there.
Randy tends to get loud and yell at referees.

I've only seen Randy once this past year.  Poor form by me.
That's Maureen in the background.  She decided to hang with us for the second half.
Randy doesn't spruce himself up for going out these days, apparently.
His hair was rock-star long.  He wore his cap the whole time and dressed as if he just walked off the construction site.  The affects were that he looked like the guy who lives in a refrigerator box and came into the auditorium to stay warm.
Randy was always very popular with the girls.
Now it's like he's Charlene Theron, playing the serial killer and making herself look as bad as possible.
Love Randy.  He's always been a very generous friend. 
And he didn't disappoint when it came to barking at the refs.  He rode them like a donkey, yelling at them as they jogged past after making a suspect foul call.
There is a giant poster on the wall with all the athletes.  That's Haley on the top right.
Very cool thing.
Haley's the best.  And she is now taking street fighting classes, so don't be fooled by her big smile.  She'll crush you.
It was so good to see the family.  Miss them and promise to do better at getting together.

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