Sunday, February 21, 2016

Bill in Front of Great Art

The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has some of the world's great art.
Under the premise that great art has to make me look better, I took a bunch of selfies in front of some of my favorites.
It didn't really work.  I still look crap.
I once painted a version of this painting for Chris, who was hosting a croquette party.
I replaced the swords with croquette mallets.  It was a big hit.
No one paints a peach like Cezanne.
No peaches in this Cezanne.
I love the oranges in a Degas.
This is a painting by Monet of his wife in a Japanese kimono.  One of Jen's favorites.
Van Gogh and me.
I think we could have been good friends; if I spoke French.  Although if the rumors of him being slightly mad because of syphillis were true, then forget it.  
Monet and his many haystacks.
Jen photobombed my moment with Monet.
My favorite Monet's are the church studies he did.
I think this one makes me look slightly touched by God.

1 comment:

didi said...

The haystacks are in Jen's color palette!