Monday, February 15, 2016

Friday Night Out in the Port

We started Valentine's Weekend off on Friday night with neighbors Guy and Todd at Ceia Kitchen.
Guy and I both work in the same giant corporation - which is why I didn't say we work together,  because our paths never cross there any more.   And we both work from home - about 6 blocks from each other on different sides of town.
Todd is his friend who we've met several times before at other parties and Guy brought him along to our own Christmas soiree in December.    Todd actually lives only 2 blocks away from us.   So close!  Why don't we ever see each other?
Guy and I usually run into each other at kmart. We both claim that we never go there and yet the two times we both went in 2015 we saw each other.  Now we call it "the store which must not be named."  To take the curse off we realized we needed to see each other in some other venue in town.
And it's just nice to have neighbors that you can make plans with to meet within walking distance of your house.  A fun night in the Port!

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