Friday, February 19, 2016

Dinner in Shanty Town

Jen and I ventured onto the wrong side of the tracks to Andiamo's, in the North End of NBPT.
It was a long walk.  Almost a whole cigars length of a walk.
But this Italian restaurant came recommended by those blighters who live in the shabby part of town (just kidding, I'm being provincial for our South End location)
I did a Google search on crime in the North End of NBPT, assuming that our worst citizens live there.
I found -  

Killjoy Was Here
This is Jen - I just removed the article from the local paper that Bill posted without citing as well as the name of our local criminal for fear of slander/libel/whatever else might be wrong with us posting a name and photo of someone in town who broke the law!  Bill is currently shaking his head in disgust at me.
And now back to our regularly scheduled (but boring) blog post. 

A nice night out, but let's not venture into the North End any time soon.

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