Thursday, February 11, 2016

Forever Neighbors

At what time does breakfast become brunch? 
We went out to brunch (at 10 am) with Aaron and Anne Marie.  They lived directly above us on Charter Street and between their move to the mid west for a few years and then our move to London for a few years there were several years where we really didn't see each other.  But now we are all back together again in Newburyport.
This is Bill's meal - a fried egg and pastrami sandwich.  Is it the pastrami that turns it from breakfast into brunch?
Meanwhile, the girls had an Aaron sandwich.
Anne Marie is such a hoot.  We still howl with laughter over our favorite joke from about 12 years ago:   
That's it - that's the WHOLE joke.  All one of us has to do is say  (as in "poo poo dot com") and we are in hysterics.  Don't worry, you aren't missing anything, it's childish and not even very funny but we love it anyway.  (ok, the full back story is that at our old video store there was a mailing list and someone wrote their email as - which I thought was sheer genius at the time.  Actually I'm giggling a little typing this right now….)
Anyhoo….for the picture below, Anne Marie grabbed Bill's eggy napkin and tucked it in her collar to show it off.  That's how she rolls.
Bill snapped this last show as we were leaving.  I was wearing my Asian jacket in honor of the Chinese New Year.  
Speaking of jackets...
And have you ever had a piece of clothing that get's constant raves?  Well, everyone loves that lavender coat with the fur collar! I just wore it to a festival meeting tonight and everyone commented on it.  And to think I almost didn't buy it - I literally had to leave Bill in a store and go running back several city blocks to buy it because I had second thoughts and I'm so glad I did!


didi said...

That is my favorite coat! And to think there is someone else in Nbpt who thinks the way we do -- you really should track that person down, I am sure we'd get along with him/her very well!

Unknown said...

Glad to see these party pictures. Thanks for this wonderful share. We have been looking for affordable Seattle Venues for our party but not getting anything within our budget. All venues are quoting way above our initial budget!