Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jen's Saturday

On Saturday Bill went to see his friend Randy's daughter play basketball at Wentworth College in Boston so I tagged along and went off on my own until after the game.  Wentworth is right across from my old alma mater, Northeastern.
This was my freshman year dorm. It looks mostly the same but its surrounded by so many new buildings that I barely recognized the campus.
This was my apartment building for one term…I think in my sophomore year.  I moved around a lot the first few years.
The next stop down Huntington Ave is the Christian Science Center.  Despite living next door for years I never went into the museum.   
Inside was this water fountain that seemed to spew words as well as water…they would flow out of the center and form words around the perimeter.
The Map room was the real attraction - but we weren't allowed to take photos!!!  So I had to sneak this one of the North Pole and my nostrils.
This was really great - you're on a bridge across the center of a globe.  They did a light show behind the stained glass and the room was a whispering gallery where you could ear the tiniest sound bouncing off the walls.  A girls standing next to me would talk and it would sound like it was coming from the other direction.
Next stop was the Boston Public Library.  
I used to sit at a table in front of that window to study but back then the place looked shabby.  Now it's been all jazzed up with red walls and art work. I was surprised to see this many people inside the library on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
I wanted to come here to eat lunch in the courtyard.  This feels timeless but you can see the modern world poking above the buildings.
Oops! I just noticed that there is food in my teeth.  Oh well, at least it's white chicken salad.
When I was done with lunch, Bill called to say the game was over so I headed back to the MFA to meet Bill for a little culture (see yesterday's post).

1 comment:

Jana said...

How fun to see your Alma mater! I need to go to that map room with you and sneak a nostril selfie.