Monday, February 1, 2016

It's Christmas, once again ...

The Albany Christmas celebration was postponed twice due to weather, but this weekend was clear so of to Mother's house we went.

Nobody loved their gift more than Ava.  She named the little bear Fluffy.  Jen had not one, but two of these soft little bears growing up.  She was obviously a child of privilege.
 It was a Christmas miracle that Fluffy didn't end up covered in ketchup.
A close second to the best gift of the night was the rat given to Mother E (I was told not to type last names anymore, so you'll have to figure things out on your own.  Clue, the E-name rhymes with Bent-thistle).
Anyway, we look forward to the naming of the new rat.  Mother E will send up some black smoke out of the chimney to signal a decision has been made.  Stay tuned.

Andy found out that have the Bent-thistle's have graduated from Northeastern.  He quickly declared that was where he would go, fulfilling the family tradition.  Andy's mother Heather may not know about the $45k/year cost to attend.  Let's not tell her on this Christmas day.
Andy and Jen.  Still has a good ring to it.
Ava is the cutest.
It's always fun hanging with A.J.  He's got a bit of stand-up comedian in him.  Combined with the quiet sarcastic with of his older sister, Heather, and it makes for a very fun night.
Fake thumb wrestling match, posed totally for the blog.  A little inside baseball for you there.
I know it looks like my giant hand is squashing Jen's little orange-sized head, but it's a camera trick!  I know, you were worried for a second there, weren't you.
A.J. trying for the serious, sexy look....
Jen looks cute next to Elaine the rat, last year's addition to Mother Bent-thistle's menagerie.
Posing with Drummond.
One last picture.  Me and the girls, Heather and Eden.
Another successful Albany Christmas.

1 comment:

Mom said...

My new rat's name is Slick -- mostly because of his two=tone shoes. He looks like a playah!