Friday, February 5, 2016

Our Other Kitchen

Is everyone else's lives centered around meals?  When is the next meal?  What will it be?  Do we have enough food in the house or do we have to go out?  I think this might be at least 75% of the conversation in our house.  The answers Thursday night to these questions were:  Dinner. No food in house so we have to go out which lead to a long decision making process about take out vs a restaurant.  And if we went to a restaurant which one….we ended up at the bar at Ceia - our usual default location.
We did an ad hoc meal of charcuterie with a wee bit of cheese for me.  Bill had some lobster bisque and I had the brussel sprout appetizer. 

We asked the waitress what song was playing so she was trying to get her phone close enough to the speaker to give us the name.  The fact that there is an app on your phone that can hear a song playing somewhere and tell you what it is seems very Jetsons.  I still don't understand how a fax machine could possibly work, let alone all the apps on a cell phone.
These look like the shadows of Christmas decorations.  Bill must have taken a few artsy pics when I wasn't looking.

Time to go….I was exhausted - and it turned out to only be 9:30!  (In college we would plan to start our night at 9:30 on a Thursday) Another wild night in the Port.

1 comment:

didi said...

wait, are those different glasses you are wearing?