Friday, February 26, 2016

Gallery of Bill's Bad Art

If you walk through my Mom's house you'll see a gallery of bad art.  Ninety percent of it I created.  Sometimes it is simply a card I drew.  Other times it is a painting of something I think Mom will like.

She's always appreciative and complimentary.  But she has limits, as she once said that the mod paintings of flowers I gave her wasn't her style.  Jen took it and has it on her desk, so it worked out.  In a way, her weeding that one out means she actually does like the ones hanging in her house.

Without further babbling, my gallery of bad art.

I shouldn't have tried to color those flowers.  Drawing was fine without it and it cheapened the picture
Just a card of Mom and Bret, drawn badly.
Goofy painting of one of Mom's favorite sports stars, Bob Cousy.  
This is a painting from a picture I love of Mom and Dad when they first got together.
I managed to make that lovely moment into a scary painting.
The vanity of sending your Mother self portraits doesn't escape me.
I didn't want her to forget me when I was in London.
Look, another picture of me.
I actually like this one.  It's a card where you open doors and see the family.
I should do another one sometime.

Sometime it is easier to photoshop a picture instead of creating a drawing. 
I don't know what occasion this card was drawn for.  Bad choice using the pink pen.
And Jen's arms in the background are like monkey arms.
Find the family member.
I think there is Jen, me, Bret, Joey, Malikai and Wyatte in there.

I painted this for Mom while in high school.  It was a complete copy job from a Norman Rockwell painting.  But it came out pretty good, at least for me. It may have been the painting that made me think I could paint a little.  Sadly, it was probably the best thing I ever did.  Peaked at 17.
Pastel drawing of the house I grew up in, in Danvers.
I love these houses in real life, not so much in my painting.  They are the painted ladies in San Francisco.  An iconic site.
I have to realize that fine details are never my strong suit.
More cards with little drawings.

I love this one.  One year we did little self portraits for Mom. 

Here's to many more years of giving Mom my crap art.


didi said...

I LOVE your art!!!!!

Jana said...

I love your art, Bill! Everything I've seen is brilliant. Seriously. You should have a show.