Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Saturday Night at Melrose Place

Stacey and Dave have new digs!  They moved to a new house in Melrose - only about 30 minutes south of us.  Yay!!!  Saturday night we drove down for dinner with them and Di. When we get together we like to talk about serious and controversial topics.
We had a debate about wearing underwear under your pajamas to bed.  There seems to be very distinct opinions on this.  No one was half way about it - either you always do or you don't.  I've found that people are equally as set in their ways when it comes to the toilet paper being hung with the sheet coming over the top or under the bottom of the roll.  I wonder if there is a toilet paper - underwear correlation?  
We did not take any pictures of our selves with (or without) our underwear.
Stacey usually will not pose for the blog but obviously she has a soft spot for Bill.  
bill tried to eliminate me and Di but we are relentless.
I'm so glad that S and D have found a new permanent home so close to ours.