Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cassandra, take a memoranda. Your polenta takes like placenta.

I was trying to see what rhymed with polenta, which was a part of our Blue Apron experience last night. Google hooked me up with, who hooked me up with the words you see in blog title above.  I have to admit, it's one of my favorite blog post titles.

Anyway, the Blue Apron meal.  Meatballs with polenta.  
Polenta is defined as 'as thick mush made of cornmeal'.  Bingo.  It IS a thick mush.  I cannot eat food with that mush consistency.  I would make a bad prisoner, being served shit on a shingle.  'Excuse me, fine sir?  No mush for me today, please.  Perhaps you could simply poach a couple of eggs for me.'

So, the meatballs were pretty good.  I ate the leftovers with pasta for lunch today.

Jen's dish looks better with the polenta as it's base, but guess what food remained virtually untouched in her bowl?  I was smart and said from the get-go, 'no to polenta'.
I heard it tastes like placenta.