Tuesday, April 2, 2013

More Bruges

In response to Aaron's strawberry comment....here is Bill with waffle #2.  The first place (a waffle window on the sidewalk) said that strawberries weren't in season but clearly if you go to an upscale teashop and pay double, they ARE in season!  Also note those tiny little cups of tea - something tells me we're not in England anymore.  In Belgium when you order tea you get "yellow label" (lipton) in a thimble.
From the moment we checked in on Friday we were hearing about the big bicycle race on Sunday.  The stores would be closed, the streets would all be blocked - it sounded like a really big deal.  So Sunday morning we ventured out and, indeed, all the streets were blocked and the cyclists were coming down the street to gather at the starting line. The citizens of Bruges were out in full force cheering on the athletes.   We went to breakfast and by the time we ate our eggs, the race had started and every trace of it was gone!?  
And now....the various faces of Jen in Bruges....being cultural in a museum...
...having lunch in the sun - coat off!
...having (tiny) tea a short time later with a blanket from the cafe watching it start to snow!

...prim and proper on the street corner...
....and after several Belgian beers!

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