Friday, April 26, 2013

Nancy - worst cartoon ever, but a beautiful city

 (Hate this Nancy)

We made it to Nancy France in four hours.  We drove from Belgium through Luxembourg.  Another country visited.  Of course I only saw sheep and rolling hills, but I've been to Luxembourg.  The borders were a little sad.  Before the European union the borders were watched closely.  Long lines of cars backed up while inspectors harassed visitors.  Now rows and rows of booths are empty collecting dust.  I wonder what a border guard does after his or her job has been made redundant?   I would have said a Department of Motor Vehicles clerk, but their jobs are pretty much redundant with everything being online.  I am going to go with Meter Maid.

Katia got me a Belgium cap.  I'm posing with the Nancy cock.

Katia is my teammate who works in Belgium.  She speaks three languages and is learning Spanish to better support her team in Mexico.  I am still learning the nuances of one language.  Jen will tell you, based on my Scrabble play, I am fluent in no language.

Katia laughed when I told her that his is what the poo of swan's looks like.  Poo humor crosses all borders.
  It was 10:00pm before we headed into the city center.  It was very much worth it.  Fantastic old city.  Here is a little write up from their tourist board.

Delightful Nancy has an air of refinement found nowhere else in Lorraine. With a magnificent central square, several fine museums and sparkling shop windows, the former capital of the dukes of Lorraine seems as opulent today as it did in the 16th to 18th centuries, when much of the city centre was built.
Nancy has long thrived on a combination of innovation and sophistication. The Art Nouveau movement flourished here (as the Nancy School) thanks to the rebellious spirit of local artists, including Émile Gallé (1846–1904), who set out to prove that everyday objects could be drop-dead gorgeous. As you walk around, keep an eye out for the stained-glass windows and dreamlike, sinuous grillwork that grace the entrances to many offices, shops and private homes


I wore my fancy pants in Nancy, France.  I am going to keep saying that in every blog post.

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