Monday, April 8, 2013

Tate Museum

Saturday at the Tate - that's the plain ol' Tate, not the Tate Modern.  This was our first trip but based on how happy we were with the museum I suspect we will be back.
We liked it all - the photography, the paintings, the natural light through the ceiling, the mix of styles in the same room.  Everything was arranged by date rather than by genre so it was really interesting to see different influences gathered together from the same time period. 

I'm thinking about painting myself silver and making money in the park as a statue.  I will stand still until people pay to be photographed with me.  I know it's creepy but I feel I should share this statue-ing gift with the world.
More panoramic views.  Now that we've discovered this new toy we are going to play with it constantly until it bores us.  It's not boring us yet.


amp said...

I am just sad that the panorama feature wasn't discovered in time to provide broader coverage of the awesome public pillow fight.

Jen and Bill said...

We actually have some videos of the pillow fight (better than panorama!) but we haven't figured out how to post them.