Bill was very happy with his presents but the ones he gave me seemed more photo-worthy. Like these glasses with different colored changeable lenses. (Bill is in a new hat.) Or this little doll. Bill somehow didn't notice that IT LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM!!! It even has mustard colored pants on. I thought he might have had it commissioned it's such a good likeness. Some store somewhere in the UK is selling Bill dolls!!
But my absolute favorite (yes, even more than a little stuffed version of my husband) was my mounted ferret head. Despite the fact that it confirms something I've long suspected (I'm becoming my mother) it's just so darn cute and yet bizarre! This was definitely the "Christmas of Taxidermy"which probably is not a statement you hear every day.
I want a Bill doll!!!!
LOVE the ferret head !!!!
I want a Bill doll, too!
I want a Bill doll, too! Hillarious
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