Monday, January 21, 2013

Snowy Sunday

Snowing again in London this morning.  

Controversy is abound with the recent unveiling of the official portrait of Kate.  The British are pretty united in their disdain for this painting.
Editor of the British Art Journal and Daily Mail critic, Robin Simon said, “Fortunately, the Duchess of Cambridge looks nothing like this in real life. I’m really sad to say this is a rotten portrait.”
Sunday Times critic Waldemar Januszczak is also quoted as saying that the portrait of Kate Middleton makes her appear “older than she is and her eyes don’t sparkle in the way that they do and there’s something rather dour about the face.”
Founder of The Jackdaw and former Art Review magazine editor David Lee affirms, “This is the most bland and predictable royal portrait in living memory. It is the sort of safe, uncomplicated, pedestrian image one might expect to see in a High Street photographer’s window. It looks as if the painter asked the subject to ‘Say cheese!’ and then told her to scram and buy some clothes while he painted the photograph.”

 I'm in no position to criticize someone's art but why should that stop me.  Seeing it in person I can't help but feel the guy should have smoothed out a couple of line in the mouth and under the eyes and he wouldn't be taking such a beating.  The portrait of the boys is fantastic, though.
 I'm posing with my favorite artist, Lucian Freud (recently died, grandkid of Sigmund).  Jen is mimicking the photo of Hilary Mantel (Brit author of Wolf Hall).

Our weekend in London was fantastic (except for the delayed trains at Paddington when we just wanted to be home).

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