Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Snowy Monday Morning

We woke up to snow on Monday morning.  I wanted to call it Dickensian but it was really just messy.
The good news is that we are ready for it.  Bill and I exchanged a few Christmas presents when we got back to Eton.   Bill got a pair of wellies.  Don't ask me how he has been here 6 months without the required footware.  (I got a magnetic map of London (on the floor behind Bill) that will be hung up so we can track all the places we've been. )  Look at Bill strutting his fine self.
Then he got all excited about the knit wool wellie socks that were also in the box.  They seemed a bit short...hmmm...ooops!  I ordered those for myself and forgot about them.  It was so long ago, how can you blame me?  They have an adorable union jack on the fold over.  So I tried them on over my jammies and realized that they really don't go with my traditional green colored wellie.  I obviously need to buy a new pair of black wellies to go with my union jack wellie socks.
 I'm posting this because I thought we looked cute. although the more I look at it, the more I look sort of limp and floppy, as though Bill is holding me up.  He probably is since this is us after that Sunday afternoon in the pub.

Fletch update from Paris and Spain:

He actually ate this in Spain.  Let's assume he had to take a couple hour sabbatical from his vacation to get familiar with el baño del hotel.

 "This is the "center of Spain". All distances in the country are measured from there. It kind of like how I am the center of my universe and all items are considered as to how they relate to me." - Fletch 


amp said...

Would that qualify as having snowed back in NEW England? Looks more like a dusting.
ps Love the socks! More Brit fashion on the blog requested

Unknown said...

Love your socks - definitely need black wellies!


Jen and Bill said...

Must order black wellies today by popular demand!!! Thank you fans for the shopping nudge! :-)

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that Bill is obviously not familiar with the terms "satire" and "irony". Perhaps Jen can explain it to him. The reason I keep sending all the pictures of my food is in my constant attempt to mock Bill for all of his previous pictures of his food which he tried to pass for "content". I was going to ask for a formal apology from the blog, but the fact that he completely missed my point and Jen had to explain it to him is actually better than an apology. Score this as a victory to Fletch over Bill...