Saturday, January 15, 2011

You can't stop me, you can only hope to contain me

Years ago we said we don't want television in the bedroom. I pushed Jen into putting a little t.v. the size of a toaster because I wanted to watch ESPN in bed. The television sits on a small card catalogue which sits on a small humidor. It's a pathetic setup. So Jen and I went on a mission today in search of a new piece of furniture which will hold our future new television.

Before we did we gave Laura's cat a pill. Shamu spit it out and ran around the house while we chased her.

Our trip to find furniture was a failure, but we cut our losses and went for beer in the South End

(I'm sneaking in another Sink Series picture. Jen told me "You are not posting another sink picture", which made me want to post another sink series picture.)

1 comment:

didi said...

I say next time you go to give the cat a pill, you furniture shop at Laura's house...more money to spend at the pub!