Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Good Hair Day

Haircut night. I'm showing the back of my head because haircut night is the ONLY time the back actually gets blowed dry like this. After almost 40 years of blow drying I still only really do the front and sides leaving the back to dry willy nilly since I can't see nor reach it. So I hope you are all enjoying the back of my head looking fabulous for once.

The person house sitting for Laura actually works at my hair salon - Jill. When I first heard this I had visions of beauty nights on Atwood - for some reason my day dreams had us both in long flannel nightgowns with rag curlers - but in the end, Jill and I have only met twice in all the weeks that Laura and Jim have been gone. (One was this weekend when Bill and I woke her up on Saturday morning by going into the house to give the cat a pill only to find out that its this coming weekend she is going away. Oops!)

Fast forward to Interlocks salon where I am furtively glancing at all the young girls with large hooters (a distinguishing characteristic) trying to figure out which one is her. As I'm checking out, she comes over to me to apologize for not recognizing me sooner....turns out the girl who washed my hair is Jill!!!! We both were doing the "Is this my neighbor? She isn't recognizing me so maybe it isn't" rationalization. Which actually feeds into one of my other anxieties - not recognizing someone I should recognize. We were gushing all over each other with apologies but something tells me that there are no rag curlers in my immediate future.


Jen and Bill said...

I totally would have recognized her....

didi said...

I think your experience with giving the cat pills on the wrong day validates your fear of going to a party on the wrong day.