Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nothing but a dreamer

I had to hustle to get to Joey's basketball tonight. It was a long day at work and each "quick call" ended up being nearer 30 minutes. So I raced for Ipswich knowing I'd miss tip off.
I didn't miss it, though. I saw the tip off .... of the girls game. I got the location wrong. The game was in Georgetown.

It made me think of that reoccurring dream I have where I'm in the hallway at school trying to get to my class where I'm to take a huge test. The hall keeps stretching further out the longer I walk. I get lost. No one will help. I panic, sweat and then wake up.

Dream discussions. I hate talking about dreams. I don't know why, really. I hate books that have dream sequences. I hate television shows that have large chunks that are explained away as a dream (except for the Bob Newhart Show best-ending-of-a-series-ever dream).
At one point in my life I wanted to be a psychologist. I'd be a bad one. A patient would say "I had a dream last night.." and I'd interrupt them and tell them to shut the hell up.

"she dreams in color, she dreams in red" ... lyrics to what song?


amp said...

Girls basketball is apparently the new ticket to fame and fortune, according to the profile of Ayla Brown in the latest issue of Boston magazine. Maybe Joey should consider changing sides?

didi said...

That totally stinks Bill!!!
By the way, I have 2 recurring dreams -- one is that my teeth are falling out one by one, and I'm holding them in my hands, and everytime I touch my mouth more teeth fall out.
The other is that I'm going to take my high school math final exam, and realize I haven't gone to one class, and I'm wondering if I can still graduate. Diane Newark Graduates!!! (Jen will know what show that is a reference to.) Do you want to tell me to SHUT UP?