Sunday, January 9, 2011

Merry Christmas From Albany NY

Bill and I headed to Albany this weekend to celebrate a belated Christmas with the women-folk of the family. Four babalicious generations: from left - Heather, Gina, Lily, Mom (aka Nanny) and Jen
We indulged in one of our favorite traditional Christmas past-times - over reacting to presents. We've really mastered it. Give us crap and we'll act like it's gold. Any votes on who over reacted the best? I tend to enjoy Heather's version of shock and awe.

After presents we enjoyed dinner at the Wine & Diner, a local eatery with gourmet diner food. An excellent choice made by Heather who, going forward, will be in charge of selecting our dining destinations. (If we leave the choice up to Mom we end up at the Chinese buffet eating sterno-warmed lo mein. I have permanently vetoed Chinese buffet!)

At dinner, Bill came up with the idea of putting on a family play. Each of us got to create a character and plot point. Our masterpiece is about a child prodigy artist (Lily) who is exploited by her mother (Heather) until a mysterious woman (Jen) comes to town who is perceived as a bitch but who ultimately saves Lily from her evil family including my evil twin sister (Gina) and an evil paint thinner salesman (Mom). But the twist is that Lily's talent really comes from the ghost of her dead siamese twin that was separated from her at birth and now whispers into her ear how to paint. And the Tony Award goes to....?

We ended our evening with home made twister using magazines...right hand Country Living...left foot In Style....

Sigh, now we are back at home with our wifi (we apologize to our 5 followers for no post last night) with the Boxing Day blues.


didi said...

Your family is WAY more fun than mine!

amp said...

Is this what happens after the hashish Christmas tree ignites? Was the mistletoe laced with cannabis? Or did somebody put a few drops of lsd in the eggnog?

Mom said...

To answer AMP's questions -- No, no, and no. Jen gets high on English Breakfast tea, and the rest of us have no excuse.

chi said...

why didn't Bill get a role in the family play? Discrimination???

Jennifer said...

Bill wanted to stay out of the spotlight and direct. I thought I was very mature not to fight Lily for the leading role.

I left out the piece about Lily's new book that asks gross questions like "Would you rather lick someone's eyeball or have them lick your eyeball?".

didi said...

Hey, your mom is a follower now...does that make 6?!?!

amp said...

Ok, then I am just impressed that someone came up with magazine twister!