Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Circle of Art

I was working at home this afternoon when I glanced out the window and noticed someone in our yard taking pictures of Bill's cairn. My first impulse was the grab the camera and take a picture of him for the blog. This is the circle of art - one artistic creation inspiring another and another...(this only works if you join me in the fantasy that this blog post is an artistic creation.)

A few posts ago Bill segued into his recurring dream story. Is it strange that I do not have one of those universal recurring dreams? Instead I deal with those kinds of irrational fears in my waking hours - my longest running recurring anxiety is showing up to a party on the wrong day or at the wrong address. I can trace this back to about age 6 when my mother was dropping me off for a birthday party and the house looked dark and deserted and I was terrified she was leaving me at the wrong place (she wasn't). And now I think about it EVERY TIME. So the next time you invite me to a party you can be sure that as I come to the door I'm thinking "Is this the right house? What if the party is really next week?"

And in case you are wondering - I have never actually made this mistake so I have no idea why I've been worried about it my whole life. Is this weird? I've got a million of 'em! Maybe I should start an Anxiety-A-Day blog?


Jen and Bill said...

I thought we missed a Chris and Dan party because we went the wrong day? At the time I thought it was funny, now I realize you were saddled with anxiety...

didi said...

Wow, I never knew this about you Jen! I'm familiar with other anxieties of yours, but learn something new every day. By the way, I took a screen shot of your blog of the photo of the woman taking the photo, and am using that on MY blog artistic creation inspiring another creation inspiring another creation inspiring ANOTHER creation..

Jennifer said...

hahaha...we DID miss a party once! We didn't have the wrong day, we had the wrong time. In fact, we were all dressed up and ready to drive into Boston when I looked at the invitation and realized the party was over. Which is a little different from my original anxiety because we got to stay in the comfort of our own home as opposed to having to explain why we are on someone's doorstep incorrectly. Either way, i think this just gives credence to my otherwise irrational anxiety.