Monday, January 11, 2016

What Would Your Neon Sign Say?

(Another installment from our holiday week in London)
Walking through Soho in the rain we came across something new….a shop full of neon.
When I think of neon I think of Budweiser signs and cheesy displays.  But some of the pieces here were works of art.  And grouped all together like this make it all look like something better than a cheap bar sign.
They even had tables and served tea.  So we ordered a cuppa and took in the sights.  Bill suggested looking into having a neon Petey made.
If I recall correctly, this simple heart on wood went for 14,000 GBP.  That's when I realized that neon was not in our future.  
I don't even know what these more elaborate signs must cost.  At these prices - who is buying this??  
The place was busy - - lots of people coming in to just look around and leave.  But I was surprised how many people did stop to talk to the sales woman about prices, shipping etc.  I looked at each one and thought - is this a person who buys neon?