Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sing along Saturday Night

Back to London….

In order to pay for this trip, Bill had to work the bar at the Duke of Kendall that Saturday night.
Just kidding, but he looks pretty natural there, doesn't he?
We had dinner with the crew and then went over to the bar side for the sing along. 
There is a new player on the team!  This is Tim.  We all met Tim and his wife when we were at the Kendall for the sing along on our last visit in August.  They are Americans doing a temporary trip to the UK like we were.  Jerry and Jules stayed in touch with them so we invited them out for the night.  Only Tim could join us.  He was a lot of fun.
Everything was still the same - the piano player wore her big hat and played show tunes and 80's hits all night.
Actually, one thing I think was new was that you could write down your song requests on a slip of paper and put them on the piano.  She was good about getting to everything.  I didn't request anything but cat requested Girls on Film.  Does anyone actually know the lyrics to that song?  Even Cat just sort of hummed a long until it was time to sing "Girls on film…..girls on film…."
Billy Joel, Journey, Abba, Queen…really what is the point of the requests because people really just asked for the same songs that she always plays.  And no one is shy about singing along unless you don't know the words.  When we hit a dud song that no one can sing she just quickly shifts to the next.
Two happy Americans living in a London flashback. 

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