Tuesday, January 26, 2016

King Mickey

Look who came to stay with us on Friday!
Isn't he gorgeous?
Laura was having insulation blown into her walls so she and Mickey needed to stay out of the house for 24 hours.  Mickey spent the work day with us and then Laura came over for dinner and a slumber party.  We got take out italian and watched Hitchcock's Rope.
I'm born again Hitchcock after going to see the documentary Hitchcock/Truffaut - the two directors talk about Hitch's career with clips from the films. Rope was filmed in one long continuous take - - the only "break" is when they had to reload the camera with a new roll of film.  To do that, the camera hl's a shot on someone's back so the screen is essential black for a second or two.  The film was reloaded and the camera pans away to the next scene.  They had to do that every 10 minutes if I recall correctly.
Another little bit of trivia is that Rope was considered ahead of it's time for it's portrayal of homosexuals.  In fact it was so far ahead of it's time that I didn't even catch on that they were gay.
We loved it.  But we tend to love anything with Jimmy Stewart.
Mickey being in the house invariably means I'm going to get a big fluffy tail in my face!
Mickey will only drink from a fountain.
It's good to be King!

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