Friday, January 8, 2016

Sunday Roast at the Holly Bush with Ann Maria

The Holly Bush is one of our very favorite pubs in London.  Tucked away at the top of a narrow twisted walkway, the pub feels like it's been around forever.  I'm sure tourists come here but I like to think that it's full of locals and we are able to join them as honorary Londoners.
Since we'd eaten a late breakfast we only ordered one Sunday Roast  - it turned out to be big enough to feed three!  (Side of veg not shown)
Ann-Maria joined us!!!  She made it back from Ireland in time to spend a couple days with us on this trip.  She was supposed to be around the whole time but her father had a medical emergency over the holidays and so she needed to stay with him longer than expected.  He's doing well and she was able to fly back guilt free.
She said she liked my sweater so Bill made me take it off and let her try it on.  
If there is anyone who likes to have their picture taken as much as I do - it's Ann Maria!  Our visits invariably end up as a photo shoot.  Unfortunately it was a raw rainy day and Bill and I had walked the whole way there from Paddington so we were a bit bedraggled.

I hate this picture of me but she looks great so I'll take it for the team….

Even Mr Dibley got in the act!
After a few hours of catching up we needed to head back to meet the rest of the gang for Star Wars.
But we had time for one last shot in the alley doing the "album cover" pose that we did with Chris and Earle.  This one didn't come out anywhere near as good….I look a bit mesmerized and Ann Maria is too dark…What should the name of our album be??