Thursday, January 7, 2016

Midnight Dec 31, 2015

Should old acquaintance be forgot….Here we are singing our hearts out at midnight in the Victoria.
After the song this woman got behind the bar and said a few words.  I have no idea what she said now. I guess she says something every year.
Then they came around with plates of mini mince pies
And the boys started clowning around.
I'm not a big champagne drinker but you have to have bubble at NYE!

Bill got artsy with these photos as well.  I like this effect!

I'm sure Cat will be thrilled to have this on the blog…this is her trying to get her hand bag from under the chair at the end of the night….
Out on the street….doing something…but now I don't know what!!  Oh well, we were having fun and that's the point, right?  
Happy New Year!!

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