Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What's Cookin'?

For years I have asked a question that has never really been answered to my satisfaction.
What do other people eat???
We have about 5 meals that we cycle through   - none of them very labor inattentive.  My go-to dinner is to roast sweet potato, brussel sprouts, broccoli and/or cauliflower and just throw it all on top of spinach for a salad. Bill's favorite is a grilled chicken sandwich with tomato and cheese.
But really…that's about it.  Our cupboards tend to be bare which forces us out to the pubs for dinner.

Solution - Blue Apron.
You sign up for a meal plan and they deliver everything right to your door.  
We ordered 2 meals with 4 servings each.  My plan is to have leftovers for lunch or a second dinner of each.
We got two laminated recipe cards with step by step instructions so we can recreate a meal on our own if we like it.
The ingredients are all measured out. This is key.  I hate deciding to make a recipe and then having to buy a jar of spice that I'll only use one teaspoon of - ever - and then having the left overs sit around unused.  Plus I have very little patience for food prep.  When you watch a cooking show all the ingredients are already measured out in little clear bowls…but someone had to make it that way.  I want the life of measured bowls without the effort of making them!!
And here it is.
Honestly, it says "knick knacks".  I'm sold.
So here are the two meals divvied up on our kitchen floor.  
Salmon with broccoli, arugula, and faro salad and White bean turkey chili.
Bill's not big on salmon - but I am. So I'll make that one while he is away.
So this may be the one down side….they have to ship it with all these ice packs.  What in the world are we going to do with these ice packs when they arrive every week??  Anybody need ice packs? 
Fast forward to Tuesday night.  I'm cooking up my salmon.
Approximately 30 minute later….
This was…..delicious!!!! 
I'm thrilled.  Only 580 calories a serving, the food is all thoughtfully sourced (they make a big deal about the farms they get their food from where gluten-free midgets swaddle their vegan offerings  in cloth diapers…it's all very Portlandia).  It gave me the illusion of being a cook without really having to do the work.  And honestly - it's not expensive.  Less than $10 a portion and the portions really are human sized.  I know I sound like and advertisement but I was so happy with it.  And to make the evening complete I started watching the series Polldark that I missed on Masterpiece Theater earlier this year.   A very good night at home.

1 comment:

didi said...

Christin will find you a use for those ice packs, though you may need to give her that placemat. You must be getting to be friends with your UPS guy too -- maybe he needs to be a guest on a future blog?