Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Day in London

Remember when Bill and I would just go out and about in London taking pictures and then blog about it?  Well, we're back!! This is a sample of our Saturday in the city.
Lunch was at our favorite little charcuterie place in Soho.
This woman is making raclette - - that black box in front of her melts the cheese in the half wheel and then she scoops it out over the potatoes.  Look at that big cheese glob!!  Even I was a little nauseated seeing that in action.

When you only have a little time, you gravitate towards your favorite things - so we hit the Portrait Gallery.  I wish I had this painting of Betty on my wall.
I know we've taken pictures of Kate's portrait in the past but now there is a sign saying no photography.  So of course, that compelled us to take this as if we weren't taking it of Kate…but we were.  (And that skinny (living) Roger Ebert doppleganger)
Who doesn't like Hockney?
One of my favorite places to spend money - Cecil Court.  Antiques, vintage maps, rare and signed first edition books - it's all here!!  I couldn't even go into my favorite little antique shop because we already went to books and maps.
One of our goals for this trip to London was to look for a cool vintage street map of the city.  We wanted it to include our old street.  It turns out that the really old maps don't have our street because London proper was smaller in the 1800's and the maps tend to cut off around the Edgeware Road.  So in theory that's good for us because newer maps are cheaper.  In theory.  Somehow we still found a pricey one, but we love it.  This nice gentleman sold it to us.  (We'll have to post a picture on another blog because I don't have one right now.)
Fun with public naked statues….

Carnaby Street
Tea at the top of the OXO tower.  We thought we would have a good view but since it was dark outside all we could see was our own reflection really.  So we just took pictures of each other.
Bill is taunting me with a peanut.

And finally a few shots that definitely say London…Oxford Street and Trafalger Square at night...

It didn't matter that it was raw and rainy - it was London and we loved it.

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