Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Play's the Thing

We're a bit out of sequence here because earlier in the week we went to the theater and didn't post about it yet!  We saw Kenneth Branagh and Zoe Wannamaker in Harlequinade.  It was fantastic!!  It was about a theater troupe putting on Shakespeare in small communities after WWII to bring arts back to the culture starved masses.  Branagh has great comic timing - I was impressed with his slapstick when I think of him as such a dramatic actor.  Well done!
I was very sorry that Ann Maria couldn't join us at the last minute because she was going to be partner in crime to hang around the stage door as starry eyed groupies.  Instead we didn't get any live pics because they were strict about it in the theater and our crowd (including Bill) wasn't into standing in the rain to see an actor.  However, I thought this was the next best thing.  Doesn't it look like Bill is having a little chat with Ken out of a window?
Dinner in Chinatown (Bill's favorite!) and then last call at The French House - which was packed.
This is basically how every night here ended - with drinks and pictures.
But we tried to mix it up by going back and white.

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