Friday, January 22, 2016

Dibley in London

Mr Dibley was so happy to be back in London.  (That's right - we are squeezing out one more London post!)

He wasn't that impressed with our airbnb.  It was small and there were no stables nearby.  But beggars can't be choosers.
To make it up to him, we took him out to eat.
And he saw Ann Maria.
And read his book on the tube.  It wasn't long before he felt like a Londoner again.  
And for a few bonus shots - here is the Airbnb where we stayed….we sound like jet setters but this place was not glamorous.  We had to use the clothes drying rack as our "closet" because there was no place to unpack.  Let's face it, it was no mews!  But the location was great so we aren't complaining. (well, I guess Mr Dibley was, but Bill and I were just happy to be there.)
I wish I'd taken a picture of the enormous crack in the window.  There was a note not to touch it or the glass might fall out.  Eek!!  
It wasn't the Vic but we did have several meals at The Mitre across the street. 
I think this is the last post we can possibly do from our trip.  Hopefully something fun will happen this weekend so next week's posts won't be The Sink Series.

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