Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Perfect Stranger in Orkney

You might recall that earlier this year I did a package swap with a program called Perfect Strangers.  At the last minute, I decided to sign up again for the December swap.  This time I was matched with a girl from Orkey, Scotland.  I got the package a week or so ago and saved it for Christmas.
Inside everything was wrapped up in colorful tissue paper and string.

Look at this hand drawn map of Orkney - "Where your parcel is from"!!
This was wrapped in the package with a travel memoir.
Hand tied tea bags with milk recommendations - no worries here because I never put milk in my tea.

A CD of her folk favorites.

This made me want to redo my own package to her.  It was filled with everything store bought.  The best parts of this were the hand made touches.  I can't wait to listen to the CD and I definitely want to go to Orkney to see the Northern Lights from Brinkies Brae!

1 comment:

didi said...

Much more successful than that shopping thing