Thursday, January 28, 2016


Look who's in town?  Sue - my almost twin (our birthdays are off by 1 year exactly)!
Stacey, Diane and I met up with her in Boston at Paparazzi (I know - we went into the big city and still ended up eating at a suburban chain restaurant. )
Despite not having seen her in several years we all picked up where we left off.  The only difference is now we all need spectacles to read the menu. And instead of talking about boys we talked about how we can't sleep through the night any more and how we don't want to fall on the icy sidewalks…really, we are all just a few prescriptions away from the retirement home at this rate. 
Stacey refused to be in a photo but she was there.  So fun to catch up on life in Vermont.
Come back again soon, Sue!

1 comment:

didi said...

So great to see Sue again! Lots of memories of Jen & Bill's wedding 15 years ago.