Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fire, Fire, Pants barely on fire

The Old Newbury Bonfire is an annual event that we have never attended for some reason.
This year were determined to attend.

But Saturday the 9th was cold and wet and we were warm and dry in the house.

At 7:00pm we saw Facebook posts from others attending and the fire was a-ragin'.
We still didn't want to leave the house.....

But our two intrepid bloggers felt the obligation to our reader and trudged out in the cold to create a document of our sad little life.
Alas, when we got there after a two mile walk the raging bonfire was a waning little campfire.
Dibley was angry we took him out in the cold for this.

 Jennie looks good in a fire .... (that probably was worded poorly)

1 comment:

didi said...

Thank you for your effort on my behalf!!! :)