Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blogtopia Italian style

Fletch is in town!
After several attempts at Blogtopia on his last visits, we finally brought a few of the frequent blog faces together to meet him.  Fletch and DiDi are our most frequent commenters so we all got together to comment in person.
We all get together in the North End.  You can't go wrong with Italian (If you recall the last time Fletch was in town we went to a Mexican Irish place in Lowell that was sub par, to say the least.)
This artistic shot was brought to you by me trying to swizzle from the picture above to the picture below.
And because Fletch loves pictures of food - this was his dinner.
And this is our waiter Tony!!  Diane loved that he called her "honey".
He liked us because we understood the doorway etiquette (you can't open the outer door until the inner door is closed!)
Time for coffee and cannolis at the cafe down the street.
Blogtopia January 2016 was a success!!  Come back soon, Fletch!


Fletch said...

DiDi and I would like to nominate this as best post of the decade. Thank you Mackay clan (and even Bill) for making the journey out. Can't wait for the next Blogtopia!

didi said...

No offense to the UK Crew, but yes, this is clearly the best post of the decade. Perhaps the millennium. Next up will be a blog post where I win Powerball and give everyone in the country $1M!!!!