Monday, January 18, 2016

Dance, Monkeys!

You may have seen some of these pictures on our very popular Facebook page.  We know how popular it is because of all the 'likes'.
Our Facebook posting goes something like this:
Bill: 'I posted that picture hours ago and I only have two likes.'
Jen: 'Tag me and you'll get more.'
Bill: grumbles to himself ... tags Jen.
Hours later...
Jen:  'Look, we have sixty 'likes'.
Bill:  grumbles to himself ....

I have to admit, I hit a homerun with my direction of these two evenings.
This direction was 'I am taking the ad photo for Britain's Next Superstar.  Distinguish yourself from the rest!'
 Jerry is clearly not ready for stardom.  Jules and Cat are obviously selling themselves.
Mike is pure enthusiasm.  Anne Maria is belting out Adele.  The redhead is doing Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Sun' crescendo.  Let's give her the prize.
 Then I simply told them they were ballerinas.
Cat looks more Chorus Line than Nutcracker.  Jen and Jerry fall into more traditional ballet cadence.
Anne Maria and Jules look more like Queen Elizabeth stepping out of her carriage than ballerinas.
But Mike!  Full Swan Lake.  He went for it!  Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
 I picked out these reading glasses online and had Jen give them to me on Christmas.
I had no idea they were this huge.  Both Jen and I immediately thought 'Charles Nelson Riley'.
Anne Maria, though, looks adorable in them.

Let's close this post with this shot that needed no direction.  Us having a laugh at the Vic.

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