Friday, December 4, 2015

We Like Mike

Our buddy Mike was in Boston this week!  Bill made plans to meet up with him at his hotel on Wednesday.  We brought the boys and Zoe as a surprise which meant all 5 of us crammed into the Yaris.  It was like a clown car when we unloaded in the garage.  
Bill and I walked into the lobby and then after a minute or two Bret, Zoe and Joey trailed in after us.  Surprise!! Mike was pretty excited to have the whole gang there.  He hasn't seen the boys in a few years and this was his first intro to Zoe.
Then we all headed into the North End for dinner.  These are our post dinner poses at the restaurant.
Bill is always so happy to see Mike.  He can't keep his hands of him.  
We stopped in Quincy Market to do some shots by the tree.

Why is it the one picture of me and Mike is all blurry?  Was Bill in a jealous rage?
We've gotten to an age when the young folks have to make allowances for us - - like squatting down we we don't notice how much we are shrinking.  Mike would have to be 7 feet talk to tower over the boys like this.  The night went way too quickly and he was flying out the next morning.  I think we need more Mike in 2016.

1 comment:

didi said...

I thought "shots by the tree" = alcohol, not photos!