Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bill is in the club!

I was jealous of Jennie's Wantables (until they kept sending her crap) so I signed up for Trunk Club.  Trunk Club is much better than Wantables.  This is the story of my first trunk.

Look how big the box is!  
Shoes, socks, Suit jackets, t-shirts, dress shirts, jeans, trousers belt ..... what a trunk!
Jen was very disappointed in me when I told her that I'd rather have thicker socks.  She loved the fun designs of these 'Happy Socks'...  sorry, no socks for Billy.
I liked this jacket... until I saw the $550 price tag.  It was only then that Jen told me that Trunk Club is a Neiman Marcus offering.  Then the prices started to make sense.
And the dress shirts were all so much better material and fit than the ones I currently own.  And they were over $200 each.  Say goodnight, dress shirts.
I don't know why I really liked this shirt.  It's not like it's anything special, but I don't have anything like it and i liked how it felt.  It's on the 'maybe' list.
I like these trousers too.  But not sure they are much different than the cheaper version I own.
Odd how this one shirt had little alligator arm length.  It's out.
I'm posing like I'm hailing a cab.  What an idiot.  I'd make a very bad model.
But they knew to pack an old man sweater in there.  I loved it.
Jen liked this one.  I would never wear this.  Too self conscious of my flabby body.  The more I told her that I'd be uncomfortable in this, the more Jen seemed to want it.  She's very strange, Jen.
Yeesh, I look like hell.  And again, the t-shirt material is not something I'm going to wear and not feel self conscious.  It's out.  And the two pair of jeans were ok, but nothing I needed.  Out and out.
Another stupid pose.  This shirt was intriguing because i don't have anything this color and I liked how it fit.  But ultimately, it's a vomit green shirt for over $200.  Out.
I like this one.  I have a lesser version in a similar pattern, so it seems dumb to own two of the     same-ish thing.  
The one thing I didn't mention was the shoes.  I really liked them  Very expensive.  But something I would wear to dress up occassions.  Most of my shoes are a bit non-traditional.  Maybe I need these.
I'm a broken record here, but too tight for me to wear comfortably.  The real answer is to get in shape, but it's easier to buy clothes to hide my body.

So a couple of decision to be made here.  If i decide to get anything you'll know because I'll want my picture taken in the blog every time I'm wearing it.


didi said...

That tee shirt + the Betty tattoo is very cool.

Fletch said...

I wish there as a way for me to "un-see" some of these pictures. I'm going to be having nightmares for months. More Jen/Joey/Bret. Less Bill...