Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another Christmas Eve Blog

We decided to start Christmas off with a big gift rather than saving it for the end - kind of like the Academy Awards where they kick it off with best supporting actors.
Bret, Zoe, Wyatte and Malikai all got snow shoes.
We quickly learned that the shoes themselves were not the big gift - it was the box they came in.  Malikai and Wyatte couldn't wait to get inside.  Soon arm and leg holes were made an they were scrambling around the house in it.
Bill managed to do a panorama shot with all of us in it while we ate our Chinese food.
Joey is a great gift giver - he hand painted a set of mugs for Bill with some of our old jokes on it - like the time he believe us when we told him the name of the new Harry Potter movie.
And Joey gave me my own little Larry Bird!!!
Every year Bill gives Allie something to wear on her head - - a swim cap, a fascinator and now a "newsie" cap. (backwards it looks a little like someone left their jiffy pop on her head)
The kids really enjoyed the paper peashooters.  Little round balls were flying across the room as soon as they could rip into the package.
Bill couldn't wait to put on his new union undies.
Wyatte proclaimed that his favorite gift was the lava lamp.
The night was a whirlwind and we realized too late that we didn't really get a good shot of all of us together before Bret and the family left so it's just our four happy faces.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did!

1 comment:

didi said...

think how much you will save next year by giving everyone big boxes for gifts!