Thursday, December 31, 2015

L-O-V-E at the Vic: An Artist's Interpretation of a Night in the Pub

Bill asked us to spell LOVE when we left the pub....Jerry is the L but we are missing his arms which are really the main elements of making the L so that is a bit of a bust.  Jules is the exclamation point.
But the ones below have a bit of an artsy flair....First, in honor of Earle, we have the spy gun (wallet) picture of a brutal shooting which, frankly, I don't condone and yet I seem to be the perpetrator.  Mike, as always, went into the role 100%.
I don't know what this technique is called but I actually like it.  I love how some elements are outlines and others are blurred.  This was taken in the middle of the quiz.  Jules is concentrating. Mike is writing.  I don't think I mentioned yesterday that we were so far ahead that actually had to thrown the second to last round.  If you are more than 6 points in the lead going into the wipe out round you are required to answer every question.  Since this was NEVER an issue for us, I didn't even know that rule existed.
The final interpretation is a bit of a graphic novel look.  I like this one as well.  Mike seems to be sticking his finger in my ear which is a bit odd but maybe it's a sign of affection that will become trendy.
Meanwhile, our time here is already flying by....looking forward to the holiday long weekend that starts tomorrow night!

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