Thursday, December 3, 2015

Random NYC

More scenes from our holiday weekend in NYC….breakfast with Amanda and Daniel. Amanda made several London appearances on the blog in London and now she and Daniel (both ex-coworkers of Bill) were also in NYC for the holiday.  That's the beauty of Facebook - we saw that we were near each other and made a date for breakfast!
Daniel ordered the chicken and waffle.  A classic combo.
On our walk home from the tattoo parlor (see yesterday's post) I saw this Jesus in a glass case on a roof.    What is he doing up there?  What was the thought process that went into putting him up there?  
I still have never seen the Rockettes but I love all the lights of the theater.
Our last meet up with Antony and Kelly.  It was so fun to hang out with them in the city. 
Our last event of the trip was seeing Fun Home!!  It was a great show.  The theater was small and in the round so you could see all the action.  I think every seat must have a good view.  When I first heard about this I wondered how they could make the graphic coming of age novel about a lesbian who's father kills himself in a musical and yet - they did and it was terrific!  
Another great New York holiday.

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