Thursday, December 24, 2015

Party Post #3

I think this is the last batch of Christmas party pics.  
I barely saw Bill throughout the party since we each go off and entertain in our own ways.  But we did get together for one shot.
Sandy and Pete solving the world's problems.  
New faces on the blog!  Guy on the right (that's his name, Guy, not just calling him a guy) is a friend from IBM who moved to town.  Todd on the left is his friend who lives only 2 street up from me!  Yay!! I love new friends!
I also love old friends.  Chris and I were reminiscing about the old days at Rational.  Chris loves telling people how he first worked with my mother at the bank before he even knew me.
Mom, Chris says Hi!
When Bill broke out the scotch things started to go awry.  
We played Christmas music most of the night but towards the end we switched to random songs.  Heather got excited about Stayin' Alive.
Here's my last one of Jess…she didn't want to leave.  Next year she needs to book a room at the Atwood Inn.
It wouldn't be a Christmas without the Jeff jokes.  Was he coming?
Diane and I call this "Waiting for Jeff-man."
Is that Jeff at the door???
No Jeff!!!!
Rather than ending on those sad faces I'll give you the last picture I have from the night of Chris and Laura looking happy and still lovely after a night of laughs.
Thank you everyone who came this year.  We missed all of you who couldn't make it.  
Let's do it all again next year!!

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