Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mickey, Piper and a power outage

A power outage hit our street the other day.  Power outages are akin to being in between jobs.  If you knew when you'd be working again it would be fun.  You could plan on enjoying your time off.
If you knew when the power was coming back you could have a fire, read by candle light, sit on the couch nude.... 
But since we didn't know when the power was coming back, we investigated.

Then we decided to invade Laura's house.  By then the power came back.
So while Jen and Laura got caught up on whatever they get caught up on, I played with Mickey and Piper.  Piper was visting Laura while Dixie was working.

In other news, moths invaded.  Our neighbors all reported a strange swarm of moths banging on their windows.  I'm not sure it is worthy of a Hitchcockian treatment, but it was kind of bizarre nonetheless.

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