Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Party Post #2

Jessica and Dima were the first to arrive. After their long drive they were super happy to get those drinks in hand.
Jessica was also eager to model her new high fashion shoes.
Not wanting to be outdone, Bill did a little modeling himself.  I think he will singlehandedly bring the smoking jacket back into style.
It wasn't long before the pictures got a little burry. 
Holly and Dan were new additions to the guest list but fit right in.  It wasn't long before we had Dan asking "Where's Jeff?" right along with us!
Barbara was actually the last guest to arrive at the party.  She had the grandkids next door so she came over after they went to bed.  She brought some apps that were basically ignored until she told us they were mini-BLTs and suddenly they were scarfed down in a flash.

Dima had to instruct Bill on how to tie his sash on the smoking jacket.  It's nice to see two men grooming each other like fashionable monkeys.
These look like the ghosts of parties past….Earle snapped these through the kitchen window.  It wouldn't be a party on Atwood without a smoking section.

I still have plenty more so tomorrow we will wrap up the series with Party Pics #3!

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