Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Three Strikes

Bad news for my mail order personal shopping service.  
I said I would do 3 months and if I didn't buy anything, that would be it.  So here is the latest arrival.  I'll say that in some respects it was a nice try but nothing inspired me to buy.
Both items here came in the box - the top and the jeans. Both actually fit.  This is a photo of me checking out my own ass.  But I wasn't crazy about the white lines/wrinkles in the front of the jeans that seemed to be permanent.  And I just bought a new pair of jeans over Thanksgiving so I really don't need another pair right now.
The top was a very soft suede in the front and sort of jersey fabric on the sleeves and the back.  The suede was very clingy in a static electricity way and so it didn't naturally fall right at all.  That's hard to tell in these pics. 
Next up was a black and white window pane patterned blouse - too big.
And a black vest that was also too big.  And I wasn't crazy about all the snaps and prominent zipper etc.  When I look at this picture all I see is zipper!
The final item was a jacket that had a strap closure that was ridiculous.  It was waaaaay to fussy - not easy to thread the strap through the little doo dad. But if you leave the jacket open you just have a strap dangling randomly.  It fit but as you can see, I was fed up with it right out of the gate.
And so, that ends my relationship with this company.
But guess what?  Bill just signed up for Trunk Club (another similar clothing service) !!  Not to be outdone this means I need to sign up for Trunk Club.  We figure that this will at least give us 2 blog posts a month if we are each getting clothing packages.  So stay tuned for more fashion fun.

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