Thursday, December 31, 2015

L-O-V-E at the Vic: An Artist's Interpretation of a Night in the Pub

Bill asked us to spell LOVE when we left the pub....Jerry is the L but we are missing his arms which are really the main elements of making the L so that is a bit of a bust.  Jules is the exclamation point.
But the ones below have a bit of an artsy flair....First, in honor of Earle, we have the spy gun (wallet) picture of a brutal shooting which, frankly, I don't condone and yet I seem to be the perpetrator.  Mike, as always, went into the role 100%.
I don't know what this technique is called but I actually like it.  I love how some elements are outlines and others are blurred.  This was taken in the middle of the quiz.  Jules is concentrating. Mike is writing.  I don't think I mentioned yesterday that we were so far ahead that actually had to thrown the second to last round.  If you are more than 6 points in the lead going into the wipe out round you are required to answer every question.  Since this was NEVER an issue for us, I didn't even know that rule existed.
The final interpretation is a bit of a graphic novel look.  I like this one as well.  Mike seems to be sticking his finger in my ear which is a bit odd but maybe it's a sign of affection that will become trendy.
Meanwhile, our time here is already flying by....looking forward to the holiday long weekend that starts tomorrow night!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Quiz Night UK!

We are so happy to be back in London and quizzing at the Vic!!!  Chris gave us a warm welcome (despite the stern expression)  and our first round on the house.  There are some new faces on the bar staff but our old pal Ebony is still there photo bombing.

We were first to arrive but soon Jerry, Jules, Cat and Mike all arrived to make Saucy Orchestra. Because it's the holiday week, the usual teams were not there but there were about 6 teams total competing. 
Unfortunately some of the photos are on Bill's phone and he's been having trouble getting them on line.  So we'll have to do another random post with his photos.  Let's face it, we'll be milking this London trip for a long time on the blog since January in the Port won't give us much blog fodder.

Quiz Questions:
 Name 5 actors who have played Batman in the the film version.
Per the most recent census, what are the 5 largest UK cities ending with the letter "L"?
On a type writer keyboard, what symbol is above the number 4?  (no peeking!)
What is the 4th largest of the Channel Islands?
Who did Andy Murray beat in the 2012 Olympics?
What is the name of the cat and mouse cartoon in the Simpsons?
What does the M stand for in MRI?
What came  in 8",  5 1/4" and 3 1/2"?
Quiz Answers:
Name 5 actors who have played Batman in the the film version.
 Michael Keaton
George Clooney
Christian Bale
Val Kilmer
Adam West - - we didn't get this one!! Did you know he was in a film version?

Per the most recent census, what are the 5 largest UK cities ending with the letter "L"?
S....L  <---i but="" didn="" get="" got="" it="" last="" name="" span="" t="" the="" we="" wrong.="">
On a type writer keyboard, what symbol is above the number 4?  (no peeking!)  $
What is the 4th largest of the Channel Islands?   Sark
Who did Andy Murray beat in the 2012 Olympics?  Roger Federer
What is the name of the cat and mouse cartoon in the Simpsons?  Itchy and Scratchy
What does the M stand for in MRI?  Magnetic
What came  in 8",  5 1/4" and 3 1/2"?  Floppy Discs

Disclaimer:  We slept in very late this morning because of the jet we are late getting this posted.  So apologies if we are off schedule this week while we enjoy the trip.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another Christmas Eve Blog

We decided to start Christmas off with a big gift rather than saving it for the end - kind of like the Academy Awards where they kick it off with best supporting actors.
Bret, Zoe, Wyatte and Malikai all got snow shoes.
We quickly learned that the shoes themselves were not the big gift - it was the box they came in.  Malikai and Wyatte couldn't wait to get inside.  Soon arm and leg holes were made an they were scrambling around the house in it.
Bill managed to do a panorama shot with all of us in it while we ate our Chinese food.
Joey is a great gift giver - he hand painted a set of mugs for Bill with some of our old jokes on it - like the time he believe us when we told him the name of the new Harry Potter movie.
And Joey gave me my own little Larry Bird!!!
Every year Bill gives Allie something to wear on her head - - a swim cap, a fascinator and now a "newsie" cap. (backwards it looks a little like someone left their jiffy pop on her head)
The kids really enjoyed the paper peashooters.  Little round balls were flying across the room as soon as they could rip into the package.
Bill couldn't wait to put on his new union undies.
Wyatte proclaimed that his favorite gift was the lava lamp.
The night was a whirlwind and we realized too late that we didn't really get a good shot of all of us together before Bret and the family left so it's just our four happy faces.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Eve Hot Chocolate

When the boys were little we started the tradition of going out for hot chocolate on Christmas Eve so Santa could come to the house without our seeing him.  
So this year we told the family to meet us at the Tavern for our traditional cocoa.

A little multigenerational arm wrestling helped us to pass the time. 
I lost to Malikai but held my own against Bill.

We were al distracted by the ESPN year in review on the TV above our heads.  
I'll bet you didn't know that Trudi has hypnotic powers.  She literally put Wyatte to sleep at the table and he had to be carried out to go back home to open presents.  Once we got home of course, he quickly rebounded and was wide awake for the festivities!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!!

Christmas means pageants and plays starring the kids. Wyatte and Malikai each had holiday shows on Sunday.  First up was Malikai as a wise man in the Nativity at his church.
I'm surprised I was able to get this since he basically ran from the back of the church when it was his time to come on stage.  I think he was carrying frankincense.  It's nice to know that he's learned never to show up at a party empty handed.
Her we are looking very pious.  Singing folksy Christmas carols.
Malikai was more of a wise ass than a wise man…this was his instant reaction when he saw me with the phone at the family picture  opportunity.

Next up  - - Wyatte in several parts (a guard! A deer!  A…something else that I've forgotten!) in Shrek Jr. (a musical)at the Salem YMCA. We entertained Malikai with funny picture faces while we waited for the show to start.
There he is!!  Doesn't he look old?  After doing the evening shows on Friday and Saturday nights the poor kid was exhausted and at one point gave the audience the most enormous yawn…this is him actually singing though.

Our little thespians were terrific.  It's Christmas eve as I type this and they will all be here in a few hours to do our family Christmas time. 
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy Christmas!! xo

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Party Post #3

I think this is the last batch of Christmas party pics.  
I barely saw Bill throughout the party since we each go off and entertain in our own ways.  But we did get together for one shot.
Sandy and Pete solving the world's problems.  
New faces on the blog!  Guy on the right (that's his name, Guy, not just calling him a guy) is a friend from IBM who moved to town.  Todd on the left is his friend who lives only 2 street up from me!  Yay!! I love new friends!
I also love old friends.  Chris and I were reminiscing about the old days at Rational.  Chris loves telling people how he first worked with my mother at the bank before he even knew me.
Mom, Chris says Hi!
When Bill broke out the scotch things started to go awry.  
We played Christmas music most of the night but towards the end we switched to random songs.  Heather got excited about Stayin' Alive.
Here's my last one of Jess…she didn't want to leave.  Next year she needs to book a room at the Atwood Inn.
It wouldn't be a Christmas without the Jeff jokes.  Was he coming?
Diane and I call this "Waiting for Jeff-man."
Is that Jeff at the door???
No Jeff!!!!
Rather than ending on those sad faces I'll give you the last picture I have from the night of Chris and Laura looking happy and still lovely after a night of laughs.
Thank you everyone who came this year.  We missed all of you who couldn't make it.  
Let's do it all again next year!!