Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mom Date

Mixed in between a difficult work day was some very lovely Friday.
Mom came over and for the second year in a row the two of us went to Michael's Harborside for fried clams.  We scored a table with a sliver of shade, which was key because the gorgeous New England sun was beaming today.  A cross breeze and two IPA's capped off a lovely lunch.

We came back home where I had to do a bit more work.  Mom read her cheesy romance novel.
She beavers through these books like .... a beaver goes through .... wood...  
Whatever.  All these years of blogging and I still can't come up with a decent metaphor.
I bet Mother Entwistle could come up with something.  (I love giving her homework.  One, because she's really good at it.  Two, to see if she's paying attention.  Three, it gives an old woman some purpose)

After our little work/read we hustled off to the movies.  If it wasn't with my Mom, I would be catching heat from Jen for going to the movies on a beautiful day.  She can never get me to go.
Mom chose Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
What do you think Mom thought of it?
She loved it!  You know she loves a movie when she says "I'm buying this when it comes out on DVD"
Mom told me about movies when she was young.  For 9 cents you would get two main features and a cartoon short.  They also gave you a big bar of chocolate and a comic book.
She was present when Thespis first took the stage. (first actor on record, 6 BC.  Lame attempt at humour)

I came home after dropping Mom off and sat by a fire.
Look who dropped by.  It's Olivia.  Little Olivia.  She used to live above our apartment 15+ years ago and the boys and her still hang together.  I love that.
She reminded me that she participated in a couple of our New Years Eve sex education talks with the boys.  We toned them down when she was there and it became more like a Teen Beat questionnaire.
 Last picture.  This is not a glass of milk.
This is perhaps the worst pour of a beer ever recorded.
Congratulate me on my achievement.


didi said...

Love seeing Trudie on here! I remember ice skating with little Olivia for one of the boy's birthdays.

Mom said...

I am not rising to your beaver challenge -- all the beaver jokes I know are unsuitable for your young ears. "Old woman" -- "purpose" -- indeed!!